show the way


Mentors in Training (MIT)

At Good Life, we define mentorship as sharing our  experience, knowledge, and abilities with others in order to help them grow and realize their life’s mission. We believe that Mentorship is a talent that must be developed in order to influence and effect positive change in the lives of others in their personal, professional, social, or spiritual life. 

Where do I begin?
What qualifies me as a mentor?
How do I engage with mentees?

The Mentors in Training program provides answers to these issues as well as exclusive access to the Good Life coaching collateral, as well as expertise and practical application of the content. 

Start your journey.
Become an effective Mentor.


Outreach is a vital part of our domestic and international impact. Each of our cultural exchange trips provides a unique chance for participants to serve others and enrich their lives via acts of service, authentic cultural immersion, and life-changing experiences they will never forget.

our partners & initiatives

City Life Ministries

City Life Ministries is a social development nonprofit based in the downtown Kingston community of Southside. The organization has been active for over 11 years and has carried out a variety of educational and life skills programs targeting vulnerable children and at-risk youth. A 14,000 square ft. garage space is now being transformed into the Island’s first and only 24-hour, multi-purpose community center. The City Life Garage will be the home for various empowerment programs and will also be an oasis from the difficulties of life in the inner city.

Port Antonio Primary School

The Good Life Network has adopted Port Antonio Primary School. It is the largest primary school in Portland, Jamaica. We have committed to provide brand new computers to the school’s computer lab, as well as various accessories and networking. We also organize life enrichment courses for the 800-person student body to help them become more aware of their potential, impact, influence, and identity.